Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1254

Hello, hello. Teri here. It’s Monday. It’s a big big week. There are lots of events going on. We’ve got The Voice Den going on sponsored by Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. We’ve also got VoiceCon Live happening Thursday and Friday.

More about that to come. But as I spoke about last week, as you know, Alexa Live was Amazon’s big event last week, and they announced a whole bunch of new features. One of these, I am very intrigued by, because this is a feature that has been available in the United States for quite some time now.

And now it is finally available here in Canada. This is called In-Skill Purchasing. So what that means is that now developers that are creating skills have the option of actually selling to Canadians through this skill, additional options, or features, or other products through the skill.

So essentially, I’ll give you an example, a skill may have a series of sounds that you can listen to. And so, a lot of those sounds are free. But if you want the expanded sound pack, or if you want sounds, for example, without any ads or commercials, you have the option of through the skill, purchasing that premium edition of the skill.

Developers that are creating skills have the option of actually selling to Canadians through this skill

In-Skill Purchasing in Canada

And, this is wonderful because it gives the consumer the option of purchasing those pieces of content that are providing some added value.

And for the developer’s side, it’s a way for them to monetize their skills, and in turn that helps grow the whole ecosystem, if you will, when it comes to Amazon Echo devices, and Alexa. So…. yes, Amazon just announced that international expansion of the In-Skill Purchasing is live. 

And specifically, they said that they have pushed this out to India and Canada at this time. So, be on the lookout for skills that now provide In-Skill Purchasing and if you find any really interesting skills, please let me know about it.

Alright? Again, reminder, this Wednesday, five o’clock Pacific, The Voice Den at TheVoiceDen.com. It’s entirely free sponsored by Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, and I hope to see you there. Alright. Talk to you soon.

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