Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1288

Hello. Teri Fisher here. Happy Sunday. Hope you’re doing well. Sunday is typically a day that we answer questions from the community. But as well, it’s also a day to highlight ideas that come from the community.

And here’s what I wanted to share with you today. You know, this maybe… was even more important a couple of months back when there were lots of stories of people having to quarantine with COVID-19.

But nevertheless, if you’re feeling unwell and you’re in a room, and you want to communicate with your family, an idea was shared with me whereby you can use your Echo device as a way to do so.

And there are two key phrases or two key commands that can be useful for that. One is you can use the drop-in command. So you would drop in on a particular room.

You could have a two-way conversation with a person in your home in another room

Use Your Echo While Under the Weather

And you would do that by naming that Echo device based on that room previously. And then you could say “Drop-in” in the living room, or in the kitchen, etc.

That way, you could have a two-way conversation with a person in your home in another room. You can also use announce, so announce that… “Please can I get a glass of water”, and hopefully somebody will take you up on that announcement.

But nevertheless, it’s a great way if you are in bed, if you’re resting…. if you don’t want to get up, that you can actually communicate with people around your home.

So there you go. There’s one way that you can use your Echo device in a very practical way. And I hope that that is useful for you. Alright. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and I will talk to you again tomorrow.

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