Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #883

Hey there, Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for Monday, July 20th and I’ve got another troubleshooting topic for you today.

And this one specifically is looking at if your device is trouble connecting to WiFi, what you can do to try to fix that situation, and here’s a list of things that you can try in order, okay?

Number one, make sure that your Echo device is within a good range of your wireless router and that it has you know, the ability to at least make a good connection by being in range.

If it’s really far away and your router isn’t of the best quality or isn’t it strongest, that might be the issue.

Number two, check that your Echo device is away from any other devices that cause interference, again, things like microwaves, baby monitors or other electronic devices.

And I talked a little bit about this last week in a slightly different context.

Number three, of course, make sure that you have the correct WiFi password and if your WiFi password recently changed, then you have to update your Echo devices, WiFi settings, okay?

Check that your Echo device is away from any other devices that cause interference.

How to Troubleshoot Your Echo Wi-fi Connection

So make sure you’ve got the right WiFi password.

If you have several devices that are connected to your WiFi network, you could try removing some of them or turning them off, so that you’re reducing some of the WiFi bandwidth, some of the congestion on that network.

You could try this as well, connecting your Echo device to the five gigahertz band of your router, if that’s available, it’s a little bit technical.

So if that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to you could ask somebody else who understood stands, what that means, but there’s basically two different bands that our router can work on and sometimes the five gigahertz band can work better.

And finally restart your Echo device and your internet router and your modem, so restart it all and see if there’s something going on with one of the devices.

And if you can do all of those, then hopefully one of those will fix your issue with connecting to WiFi, okay?

Again, this is one of those ones that I hope you never have to use, but if you do there you go, take care.

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