Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1398

Hello. Teri here. Hope you’re doing well. It’s Friday and as we get closer and closer to Christmas and New Year’s, and there are lots of holiday season shopping going around, I wanted to give you another way that you can get inspired to find a good gift for someone, but also something that is on sale and something that will cost you not as much money as it normally would.

And you can simply use your Echo devices to find the deals of the day through Amazon. Really simple. You simply say, “Alexa, what are my deals.?”

And if you’re on a Show device, she will actually show you a picture of it, you’ll see the price, you’ll see the savings.

And of course, you’ll see the star review as well. And then you can ask for more details about any particular product that you see that you’re interested in.

You can simply use your Echo devices to find the deals of the day through Amazon

Holiday Season Deals and How Alexa Can Help You Find Them

Now, these can be a little bit random, but nevertheless, they are all good holiday season deals.

So if you’re looking for inspiration and something that’s not going to cost you a fortune, then check it out. You may just find things that you’re looking for.

So again, the command is “Alexa, what are my deals?” Now, tomorrow I’m really excited to share with you the flash briefing.

I’ve got something really fun and something that I just came across pretty recently.

I think you’re gonna have a great time with it and it’s perfect for the holiday season. So tune in tomorrow, and I’ll talk to you then. Have a great Friday.

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Voice in Canada Flash Briefing Icon1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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