Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1427

Hey, hey. Teri here. Hope your weekend is off to a great start. As always, on Saturdays, we like to share commands. Things that you can say to Alexa.

There’s a theme this time around. This one is all about things that are relevant to the particular day at hand. So let’s get right to it.

You can start with this one, “Alexa, what is the riddle of the day?”

And obviously, for all of these ones, you can ask these on each day and get different responses.

This one is all about things that are relevant to the particular day at hand

History Lessons From Alexa

The next one is, “Alexa, what is the yoga pose of the day?” And the last one. You can say, “Alexa, what happened on this day in history?”

And there you go. And you can learn a new riddle, a new yoga pose, and a little bit of history, all just from talking to Alexa. So enjoy that.

Have a great Saturday, and I will be back again tomorrow. Take care

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