Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #481

Hey there, it’s Friday and I hope you’re having a great week. I have been getting tons of questions about, when is Apple Music coming to Alexa? How long before Apple Music comes to Alexa?

Do you know when Apple Music is coming to Alexa? Well, the answer is, no, I don’t know, but the point of this last briefing is, there is a slight hint that it may be coming soon.

You see, when you go on the iOS App and you look at the advertisement, the product page for the Echo Show, in addition to listing a number of different music players that are currently available such as Spotify, Amazon music, CBC News, and so on, the logo for Apple Music is actually there.

And this is on the Amazon.ca site when you’re looking at the Echo Show5. And so, what does that mean? Well, is this a mistake? Is it just that somebody didn’t update the graphic? That’s possible, but it’s also quite possible that this is a hint that it’s coming soon.

I find it a little bit harder to believe that this is simply just a mistake.

Hint that Apple Music is Coming to Amazon Alexa

The fact that on these graphics we can also see CBC News, which is obviously a Canadian News Broadcasting Corporation and Apple Music is next to it. I find it a little bit harder to believe that this is simply just a mistake.

Somebody left the logo on by accident, and so I tend to think that this is a sign that Apple Music is coming to Amazon Alexa very soon. Now, when? I don’t know. Do I know this for a fact?

No, I do not, but I know lots of people are looking for this, and this may be the first clue that Canada is the next market. So, stay tuned, I will certainly keep you updated about any developments in this regard.

There you go, and I’m just going to tease it out again. One more time, episode 500 get ready, and I’d get the Hashtag Voice in Canada ready (#VoiceinCanada) because you’re going to be wanting to use that hashtag, Voice in Canada. Alright, talk to you soon.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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