Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1125

Hey, hey Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing and I just have a little fun game for you to play today with Alexa and it’s not a particular skill, it’s just something that you can do.

You may be familiar with this if you if you’re a fan of Jimmy Fallon because he plays this game called Hey Robot, and he uses an Echo device for this game.

And here’s how it works, he comes up with words and then you have to say things to Alexa to get her to say that word, of course without saying the word yourself.

So you can play this in teams, you can play this, you know, with opponents, basically, one team can come up with the word, and the other team has to get Alexa to say it’s a lot of fun.

I suggest you check it out, some words can be pretty darn hard and others can be easy.

Hey Robot

So if you search for some videos, you’ll find some YouTube videos of Jimmy Fallon playing this game, Hey, Robot with a number of celebrities.

It’s pretty cool and I’ve tried playing this with my family, so lots of fun, so I suggest you check it out, some words can be pretty darn hard and others can be easy.

Anyway, it’s fun to pass few minutes, so try that out, see what you think and hope you have a good time playing that game.

And just a quick reminder today Friday at 4:30 Pacific, we are on Clubhouse again giving away NFTs and the theme of the room today is Voice is My OS and if you’ve been following along, you know that I’m pretty passionate about that voice is our operating system.

So hope you can join us there, see you later, have a great day.

Talk to you soon.

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