Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1055

Hey, hey Teri here with your flash briefing for Friday, and I just want to talk a little bit about the Alexa app today.

So as you may know, as you probably know, there is an app for your mobile phone and you can actually speak to Alexa through your app.

Just make sure that you’ve turned on the enable Alexa hands free setting.

How do you get there? You click on the devices icon at the bottom, you click on all devices and then you find the device that’s called Alexa on this phone.

And then there’s a slider there for you to turn on the option to enable Alexa hands free.

you can just simply talk to your phone when the app is open the same way that you would talk to Alexa

Hands Free on the Alexa App

Then you can just simply talk to your phone when the app is open the same way that you would talk to Alexa.

So you can do things like add things to your shopping list or show your list while you’re out or announced that you are going to be home in five minutes.

And the devices that are connected to your account whether they are on your phone itself or the devices at your home, for example, they will announce that announcement.

So it’s a great way to keep in touch with your family when you are on the go.

Lots of things you can do with the app but we’ll stop there for today.

Hope you have a wonderful end to your week, weekend tomorrow, and I’ll talk to you then.

Take care.

Listen on your Echo Device! Easy as 1-2-3!

Voice in Canada Flash Briefing Icon1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

Alexa, what are my flash briefings?

Alexa, what’s in the news?

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