Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1132

Hey, hey Teri here, hope you’re doing well.

Have you ever found yourself in the position where you have to get a gift for someone and you’re just not sure what to get them or you need some ideas?

Well, Alexa is to the rescue, did you know that you can say to Alexa, this is particularly good if you have one with it with a screen like an Echo Show device.

You can say, “Alexa, show me gifts for…..” and just fill in the blank, so it could be an age group like teenagers.

It could be somebody who’s got an interest in something for example, food, foodies, it could be something as specific as show me a gift for 11 year old girls.

Alexa’s got lots of different ways to search for gift ideas and it’s pretty good actually, and the items aren’t even that expensive.

Gift Ideas from Alexa

So Alexa’s got lots of different ways to search for gift ideas and it’s pretty good, actually, and the items aren’t even that expensive.

They’re sort of around I think, on average, 20 to 25 bucks, that kind of thing.

So anyway, there you go, if you’re looking for a gift for someone, you’re not sure what to get asked Alexa, she’ll give you a hand, alright?

Hope you’re having a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.

Take care.

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