Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1426

Hello, hello. Teri here. Well, it’s another day and that means another new Alexa announcement. And yes, this one has to do with automobiles.

You may be familiar with Fire TVs. Well, there is a new announcement that just came out recently that says that the 2022 models of the Ford Explorer and Lincoln Navigator are going to have built-in Fire TVs.

And of course, that means that they will have Alexa built-in. The Fire TVs that are for these automobiles have been designed specifically to take advantage of the Alexa hands-free options.

What’s interesting is they’re going to be having these Fire TVs on the back of the front seats so that the person sitting in the second row can see them.

And there’ll be two monitors, one on each seat.

2022 models of the Ford Explorer, and Lincoln Navigator are going to have built-in Fire TVs

Ford Explorer and Lincoln Navigator to Include Fire TV with Alexa

And you can either be watching similar things or different things if you’d like. But the bottom line is, they’ll be able to be controlled by Alexa.

So, as always, I will try my very best to keep you updated on upcoming announcements and when you can start to see these in the Ford Explorer and Lincoln Navigator, etc.

But for now, Ford Explorer and Lincoln Navigator 2022 models are going to be including Fire TVs, which have Alexa for hands-free experiences.

What do you think? Would you buy a car based on that? Be curious to hear your thoughts on that. Hit me up on Twitter, @DrTeriFisher.

Alright. Talk to you tomorrow.

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