Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1269

Alright, Teri here, and here’s your latest update with regards to the Alexa Live. There’s so much that came out of this event.

I’ve been doing this for a little while, and I still have a few more updates to tell you.

Anyway, this one is all about ordering food through your Alexa devices. This is a new feature that again, was just announced.

And, it allows developers to help enable restaurants to be able to quickly create high-quality food delivery and pick-up experiences, all through voice.

It’s the same sort of experience that people are starting to have with music and smart home devices.

This one is all about ordering food through your Alexa devices

Food Skill API for Ordering Food Through Your Alexa Devices

And, this particular technology is called their Food Skill API. And again, it’s going to help with the development and enable high accuracy of customer experiences, for food delivery, for food ordering, etc.

So, once again, I’ll keep you updated on when this comes to Canada. And, it’s great lots of functionality being built into Alexa in the next, you know the upcoming months.

So there you go. Have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.

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