Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1369

Hello. Teri here. Happy Thursday. First of all, for those of you that joined us yesterday on The Voice Den, thank you so much.

We had a wonderful time, and also, it was great seeing some of you in the augmented reality space as well.

Big thanks to Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant for their sponsorship, as always. Today I want to tell you about an opportunity that I can share with you.

I’m really excited about this. It’s a research study looking at aging in place with Google and Amazon.

And this is being conducted by someone by the name of Jessica Percy Campbell out of the University of Victoria.

She is looking for people to participate in the study. Let me tell you a little bit about it. So it’s a focus group. It’s going to be on Zoom.

It’ll be on the afternoon of November 24. It should take about an hour.

The time will be figured out once Jessica knows who exactly is involved, and what time works best for everyone.

She’s looking for smart speaker users in Canada (I know that’s you) aged 65 and over to have a discussion about privacy and how you use your devices.

Here’s a nice little bonus.

She is looking for people to participate in the study

Focus Group for Aging in Place Smart Speaker Users in Canada

If you choose to participate in this, you will get a $20 Starbucks gift card. And people can get in touch with Jessica through her email or her Twitter handle.

Her email is jpercycampbell@uvic.ca or you can reach her on Twitter @Jessandtech. So there you go.

If you’re interested in this, then definitely get in touch with her sooner rather than later because she is going to be doing this focus group in the near future.

So, get in touch. It’ll be great. Again, it’s an opportunity for you to have your say.

Again, if you are interested in participating in this focus group, you’ve got to be a smart speaker user in Canada, aged 65 and over.

Feel free to get in touch with Jessica. I know you’ll have a lot of fun and I know she would really appreciate it as well.

Good luck to you, Jessica, on your research. So there you go. Hope you’re doing well and I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.

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