Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #2

Hello and welcome to flash briefing number two of Voice in Canada. Today is Tuesday and Tuesdays are a big date in the Alexa in Canada community.

This is the day that at least as of right now, the podcasts come out and this is kind of flash briefing week. Today the podcast is all about this flash briefing and how did I launch it?

What was the idea behind it? Why do people even listen to flash briefings? And I also bring a special guest on for a few minutes.

Simon Marcus, he’s the CEO of Pippa.io, an incredible company that makes it very easy for people like me who are certainly not developers, to be able to create a flash briefing and then get it out to the world.

He’s done an incredible job and I wanted to bring him on to the podcast so that you can learn about what he does.

The podcasts come out and this is kind of flash briefing week.

Flash Briefing Podcast

And if you have ever considered creating a flash briefing, maybe about a hobby, maybe you love to knit, maybe love to go fishing, maybe you love to cook and you just want to share your passion with the world or maybe you have a business and you want to create a flash briefing to capitalize on this incredible opportunity right now in Canada when there are so few flash briefings out there, then this podcast is for you to listen to.

And as I mentioned yesterday, there’s a contest going on right now to win your own Amazon Echo Dot. So make sure you go to VoiceinCanada.ca.

It’s my way of thanking you for supporting this flash briefing really early on in its infancy. So go check out the podcast.

You can actually listen to it on your Echo device by enabling the any pod skill and subscribing to Alexa in Canada or you can go to AlexainCanada.ca/14 talk to you tomorrow.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Other Useful Resources

Listen on your Echo Device! Easy as 1-2-3!

Voice in Canada Skill Logo1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

Alexa, what are my flash briefings?

Alexa, what’s in the news?

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For more information about the flash briefing or to get in touch with me, feel free to click on the button below! I look forward to hearing from you!

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