Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1239
Hello, hello, Teri here with your flash briefing for Sunday.
As you know, on Sunday, we like to answer questions from you from the community and today’s question comes from the Facebook group, as always, if you’re not part of our Facebook group, feel free to join us at VoiceinCanada.ca/Community.
This question comes from Irma, and Irma says, “Every morning Alexa tells me the news and weather and a few podcasts but two days ago, suddenly out of the blue, Alexa became so quiet, I couldn’t hear her.
So the news etc. remain the same, but when I asked her a question, I couldn’t hear, if I increase her volume than the news is extremely loud. Why and how do you fix that?” she says your help is appreciated.
Reboot the Echo and if that fails, your router
So as is often the case, Pete, thank you so much for chiming in here and providing an answer, it’s pretty simple, Pete simply said, “Reboot the Echo and if that fails, your router”, and Irma said she tried it, and it worked.
So not sure what was going on there but there was obviously some type of glitch where the volume for her speaking and different types of content that you’re providing were at different levels.
Now, sometimes if there’s a podcast, so if it’s an audio file that’s being played versus Alexa talking, those sometimes could be a different volume levels and that has to do with the way that the audio file was recorded but this doesn’t sound like this was what the issue was.
So yes, rebooting it often solves the issue, so thank you Pete and Irma, thank you for bringing that question to everybody’s attention and I hope that’s helpful to some of you.
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
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Other Useful Resources
- List of Voice Assistant Commands
- Alexa-Enabled and Controlled Devices in Canada
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- Alexa in Canada Community Group on Facebook
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- Create a Flash Briefing Tutorial – Free Tutorial to Create your own Flash Briefing
- Flash Briefing Formula – Your Complete Premium Step-By-Step Course to Launch a Successful Flash Briefing that Gets Found and Grows Your Brand
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