Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1304

Hey, hey. Teri here with your flash briefing for Tuesday. And today I want to tell you about another new product in the new line of TVs that Amazon has put out.

If you listened yesterday to the flash briefing, you know that I talked about the Fire TV Omni series, which has hands-free voice control, meaning you actually don’t even need a remote, you just talk to the TV.

The difference is, of course, with those TVs that require a remote. And that is where the Amazon Fire TV 4-Series comes in. So what is this? It is a 4K Ultra High Def resolution TV.

It’s got support for HDR 10 and HLG. So that’s got great picture quality, and it includes a 43 inch, 50-inch, and 55-inch model size in that lineup.

Of course, it’s got a lot of the same Alexa features that you have come to expect.

But the difference between the Fire TV 4-Series and the Fire TV Omni series, again, is that the Fire TV 4 requires the remote (Which you can speak to and control Alexa, and of course it comes with that) whereas the Omni one does not even require the remote. You just simply speak to the TV.

The Fire TV 4 requires the remote

Now again, as I mentioned, I am an affiliate for Amazon and if you choose to use my link then thank you so much.

If you want to check out these TVs (The Fire TV 4-Series) you just go to VoiceinCanada.ca/FireTV4. If you want to check out the Omni series you go to VoiceinCanada.ca/FireTVOmni, and that will take you to those TVs.

Now, the other thing I just want to mention briefly is the pricing of these. Yesterday I talked about the Omni pricing but the Fire TV 4-Series pricing, the 43 inch is $470.

The 50 inch is normally $600, but there is an introductory price right now which is reflected (If you’re checking out) which is $460 or 23% off. And then the 55 inch TV is $660.

The other thing I forgot to mention is with regards to the Fire TV Omni series, the 50 inch also has an introductory sale price.

And so normally that one is $650, but the introductory price is $510 or 23% off, again reflected at checkout. So, there you go.

Lots of information today on the Fire TV Omni series, on the Fire TV 4-Series. Again, those affiliate links VoiceinCanada.ca/FireTVOmni or VoiceinCanada.ca/FireTV4.

And, tomorrow I’ll tell you a little bit about the new Fire TV sticks. So we will get to that tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and I will talk to you then take care

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