Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1248

Hey there, Teri here, if you’re like me, you probably have tried a number of skills for your Alexa devices and then you may have forgotten which skills you’ve enabled.

Well, here’s a quick little way to figure out how to access those skills, in addition, typically, just to remind yourself about what skills you have previously enabled.

You go to your Alexa app, you click on the More icon in the lower right corner, and then you’re going to see, it’s about the fifth or sixth item down Skills and Games, you click on that.

And now you’re going to discover that there are a couple of different headings along the top of the screen, there’s the Discover heading where you can learn about different skills that you might want to try.

typically, just to remind yourself about what skills you have previously enabled

Find Your Previously Enabled Skills

There’s the Categories heading where the skills are divided into categories makes sense and then the third one is Your Skills and if you click on that, and you scroll through that, you can now see which of the skills you have enabled.

You can actually then use a drop down box, sort of in the middle of the screen, and figure out which ones you’ve enabled, if any of them are blueprints, if any of them have been updated recently, and if any of them require attention.

And usually that means that there’s some kind of account linking that needs to be done or the app, oops, not app, I mean skill has been updated and then you need to update your own account linking or that sort of thing.

So that’s how you find the skills that you’ve previously enabled hope that is helpful to you and tomorrow’s a big dates, it’s Alexa Live and I’ll talk about that a bit tomorrow.

We’ll see you then, take care.

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Voice in Canada Flash Briefing Icon1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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