It’s true. American users have access to more skills than Canadians do. But as a Canadian, you can access the American skills by following these simple steps. Just keep in mind that you will lose some of the Canadian content when doing this.

  1. Log off your mobile Alexa app.
  2. Go to and create a new account, if you don’t already have one. You will need a US address as part of the registration. You can just make this up if you want.
  3. Once you have your account setup, logoff.
  4. Log back on the website.
  5. When logged in, go to “Account & List” drop down and select “Your Account”.
  6. Under the Digital Content & Devices box, select “Content and devices”. You may be asked to relog in your account. Once re-logged, you should be at the “Manage Your Content and Devices” page and see three tabs at the top (Your Content, Your Devices, and Settings tab)
  7. Select the “Settings” tab, then change the Country Setting from Canada to the US address you used when you setup your account on the website (in step #2). After clicking the update button, a warning will pop up telling you that all your content and devices will be moved to the site.
  8. After moving all your devices to the site, re-log in your mobile Alexa app and enjoy having access to a few more music sites and thousands of “Skills” previously unavailable.