Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1298

Hello, hello. Teri here and it’s Wednesday. That means the latest podcast, the Voice in Canada podcast, is out. And, as always, I have a really cool guest for you on this one.

This is a recording of the voicefluencer show that I did with Emily Banzhaf. If you don’t know Emily, she has a fascinating story of how she got into voice.

She actually is a professional violinist and she has played in multiple places all over the world. And now, she is a conversational AI designer.

In addition to that, she has actually won an award for her voice skill. She is involved with the open voice network.

She is really getting a name for herself in the voice tech space

TVS with Emily Banzhaf

She is part of Voice Spark Live as a host. She is doing a ton of stuff and she is really getting a name for herself in the voice tech space.

So, we cover a lot of that stuff today on the podcast. And I encourage you to have a listen to it. As you’ll hear when she speaks.

She has got lots of energy, is very cheerful, and is so much fun to talk with. So, of course, that’s on the Voice in Canada podcast.

You simply search for that in your favorite podcast player, or you can go to the VoiceinCanada.ca website, and just navigate to the podcast there.

And you will find it right there. Enjoy and I’ll talk to you again very soon.

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