Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1310

Hello there. Teri here. Happy Monday. I’ve got some tips for you with regards to your Echo Show devices and how you can use that device to show some of your photos.

Now, we’ve talked a little bit about this in the past, but I wanted to tell you about this kind of cool way that you can do it.

When you go into your Alexa app, on your home screen, if you just scroll down a little bit, you’re gonna find a button that says “Turn on daily memories.”

Now when you do that, that actually opens up a number of different options when it comes to sharing your photos. The first step is going to be to click on the device where you want to edit what photos are being shown.

So pretty simple. And then you’ve got a couple of different options. You’ve got daily memories that you can turn on. And what that does is it brings a curated selection of your photos automatically refreshed on a daily basis.

So it’s always going to change. You also have the option of turning on the “This day” function, which means that it’s going to show you photos from this particular day in years past.

It basically gives more functionality and more personality to your own Echo Show devices

Echo Show Devices and How You Can Use Them to Show Your Photos

You can also turn on two of these functions if you want. You can also choose to click on “More collections,” and then you can specifically choose your folder, or collection that you want to have displayed.

And then you can upload photos and manage your photos because all the photos that are shared on the Echo Show devices are done through Amazon photos.

And you’ll notice that when you turn on some of these functions, there is a prompt that asks you if you want to allow Amazon access to your photos.

And what it will do, is it will then upload your photos to Amazon photos so that way, those can then be shared with you on your Echo device. So, there you go.

A couple of different options. I think it’s fun. It basically gives more functionality and more personality to your own Echo Show devices where they can start to act as digital picture frames with a variety of photos depending on the day.

Hope you enjoyed that. Hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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