Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1323

Hey, hey. Teri here. It is Sunday. Hope your weekend is going great. A question that I received from somebody in the community.

They wanted some clarification about the difference between the new Echo Show 10 and the Echo Show 15.

And particularly because they are priced at the same amount. They’re both $329.99. So what is the difference between these two devices?

Well, here you go. These are the main differences. Number one, the Echo Show 10 has approximately a 10-inch screen (10.1 inches to be exact) with a resolution of 1280 by 800.

The Echo Show 15 (And this is why it gets its name) is a 15.6-inch device with a resolution of 1980 by 1080.

Then the other big obvious difference when you look at the device, is that the Echo Show 10 is built to sit on a desktop, and it’s got a motor in the base, which allows the device to swivel.

So it actually can follow you. If you move across the room it will turn to follow you. The Echo Show 15 is designed to be mounted on a wall or it could be on a desk.

There are some stands that have been built for it. But it’s really designed to be on a wall, either in portrait or landscape.

And, so it looks like a picture frame sitting on your wall. So the way that it is displayed, and the way that you would typically use these devices is quite different.

Again, a desktop (One that swivels) versus one that sits on the wall.

Now one other difference, according to the Amazon literature is that the Echo Show 10 has a built-in ZigBee Smart Home hub while the Echo Show 15 does not.

And that surprises me a little bit, but according to what they have published, that happens to be the case.

Those are probably the biggest differences that you will notice with regards to these devices

Echo Show 10 and Echo Show 15 Differences in Features

So those are probably the biggest differences that you will notice with regards to these devices.

And it really depends on where you want to put them and how you want to use them.

Now, before I sign off today, I do want to give a shout-out to a couple of listeners of the Voice in Canada flash briefing.

On Friday, I received a Twitter message from Marlene and her husband Derek. And, it was just wonderful. It really made my day.

Marlene said, “I just wanted to pop in and say you are the highlight of both my husband and my morning. Each and every morning on our Alexa flash briefings, we always learn something new every day from you. So, thank you.”

And then Derek said, “Yes. Love your insight and great knowledge, plus your tagline, “Hey, hey. Teri here” brings a smile to our faces every day.”

Boy! Derek and Marlene, thank you so much for that feedback. It’s really wonderful to hear that.

Sometimes you do these flash briefings and you don’t know if anybody’s listening, to be honest. And, it’s wonderful to get that feedback.

So thank you, both of you, very much for taking the time to do that. It really made my day. Now, to everybody else.

If you want to leave a review for the flash briefing, and this is something that I haven’t mentioned in a while, and it would be wonderful if you feel inclined to do so, is to go to Amazon and leave a very quick review for the flash briefing.

It helps it to be found by other people. The other way that you can do it very quickly is by just going to VoiceinCanada.ca/FlashBriefing and you’ll see a red button right there it says leave review and that will take you directly to Amazon where you can leave the review.

And if you choose to do so, hey, thanks so much and I’ll be sure to give you a shout-out as well.

Alright. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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