Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #894

Hello, Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for today, and today actually have a sale to tell you about.

Yesterday, I was talking about how you should be waiting until Prime Day to get the biggest sales but the problem is we don’t know when Prime Day is.

Well today, I’ve got some other news for you and that is, I did discover that there are some sales going on right now and they’re pretty good.

I can’t promise that they’re going to be the same as Prime Day, in fact, on Prime Day, usually the sales are quite a bit better than anything that we see during the year.

However, what is interesting about the sale is that if you’ve been looking to get the Echo Auto, the brand new Echo device that is available in Canada for the first time it is on sale.

There are some sales going on right now and they’re pretty good.

Echo Auto on Sale for First Time

It’s normally $70 and you can get it now for $45, $44.99, so that’s $25 off or 36% off.

To grab that, if you want to simply use this link AlexainCanada.ca/EchoAuto, that will take you directly to the Amazon site where you can grab that and I do earn a small commission, as I’ve mentioned before, it is an affiliate link.

There are other devices on sale as well at the time of this recording.

So you can get an Echo Show 5, for 75 bucks, and Echo Show 8 for $115.

The Echo Show is not on sale, but the Echo Plus is on sale for $100, which is actually a really good deal on that one and there you go.

So I can’t promise how long those sales are going to be on for, but if you just like I said, go to AlexainCanada.ca/Amazon or /Echo, it’ll take you directly there and you can check out those sales.

Again, have a wonderful day, be well, hope you are having a good summer so far, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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