Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1361

Hey, hey. Teri here with your flash briefing for Wednesday. As you may know, yesterday, I mentioned some of the incredible deals really that are going on right now on Amazon with regards to some Echo devices.

And this is Amazon’s way of kicking off Black Friday. Well, I want to highlight one more deal that I think is particularly worth mentioning on its own.

And that’s for the Echo 4th Gen device. So that’s the traditional Echo. The larger spherical version of the Echo 4th.

As I mentioned yesterday, the device on its own is already on sale for $79.99. The list price is typically $129.99. So that’s already $50 off or 38% off.

But here’s the thing, if you scroll down a bit, you’ll see that you can change the configuration.

I mentioned some of the incredible deals really that are going on right now on Amazon

Echo 4th Gen with Colour Smart Bulb Deal

And you can actually include a free color smart bulb. And when you do that the price is still $79.99. But the regular price for both of those devices together, the bulb and the Echo 4th Gen, is normally $149.98.

So you save $70 or 46%, which is a pretty darn good deal.

So if you’re looking at getting an Echo, one of the larger Echos (Doesn’t have a screen, but it is a larger Echo so it has good sound), and you want to get a free smart bulb for a good deal, there you go $79.99 for it.

If you want to use my affiliate link, it’s VoiceinCanada.ca/Echo for this particular product. There you go. I think it’s a good deal. So, have fun with that and we’ll talk again real soon. Take care

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