Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1424

Hey, hey. Teri here with your flash briefing for Wednesday.

Today I want to tell you about a really interesting piece of workout equipment that you may not think would be conducive to using your voice.

And that’s dumbbells. But this is really interesting. NordicTrack from iFit, they just unveiled voice controlled adjustable dumbbells.

And it works with Alexa. Here’s how it works.

These dumbbells can be dialed in manually, of course, to change the weight, but they’re electronically controlled and you can just simply talk to Alexa to set your weight.

These are some of the examples of commands you can give to these dumbbells. “Alexa, set weights to 35 pounds”

“Alexa, decrease weight by 10 pounds” “Alexa, set the weights for biceps curls.” So you can see how quick that is.

And you don’t have to worry about fiddling around with the setting of the dumbbells themselves.

I think makes all of us think a little more outside the box when it comes to voice technology

Dumbbells That Are Voice Controlled

Now, when this is going to come to Canada, we don’t know.

But I wanted to share this with you because I thought it’s a really interesting new use case for using your voice to control dumbbells.

Who would have thought? I think it’s really interesting. And it just makes me and I think makes all of us think a little more outside the box when it comes to voice technology.

So, I will keep you updated. I will be watching for updates on this, when it’s available for order, how you get them and so on.

But if you’re interested now, just search for the NordicTrack iFit iSelect adjustable dumbbells. Quite the mouthful.

Maybe just search for NordicTrack iSelect dumbbells. And I think you’ll find lots of information on them.

Alright! Have a great day and I’ll be back again tomorrow.

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