Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1257

Hello. It’s Teri here. Well, first off a quick thank you for joining us in The Voice Den. If you did that yesterday, we had a wonderful time both on the show and in the augmented reality space.

If you didn’t get a chance to join us there then have no fear because there’s another event happening today and tomorrow. And in fact, I want to tell you about that right now because it’s happening in the morning, particularly if you’re over on the west coast.

It’s going to be relatively early, but I hope you’ll join us. VoiceCon Live. It is happening on Clubhouse. It is the first International Conference on Clubhouse at the intersection of voice and technology.

I want to give a huge shout out, of course, to our sponsors, Amazon Alexa, Speechly, Poptale, and Lotus Productions as well to all of our partners Audiobrain, Digital Assistant Academy, the Human Behavior Club, Open Voice Network, Project Voice Media Group, Voice Spark Live, Spatial Web, Voice Summit, VoiceBot.ai, VoiceBrew, Voice Tech podcast, Voice Lunch and Women in Voice.

Thank you all for your participation in this. Today, let me tell you a little about the speakers. We’ve got a special keynote, which is featuring Women in Voice.

So we’ve got a number of women who are leaders in the voice space, who are going to share their stories, and you know, come to the session… ready to hear their stories, and become inspired by all that they have accomplished because they are doing incredible, incredible things.

These include Sarah Andrew Wilson, Anna Rosen, Dr. Lupo Patel, Shyamala Prayaga, Jenny Miro, Brooke Hawkins, and the list goes on and on. Additionally, subsequent to that, and that, by the way, is at 8 am Pacific.

It is the first International Conference on Clubhouse at the intersection of voice and technology

VoiceConLIVE Day 1

At 9 am, we have a huge number of rooms that you can attend, depending on what you find interesting to you.

One of those is… actually, four of those rooms are sponsored by Amazon Alexa, and they’re going to recap… some of the key announcements that happened last week during the Alexa Live event.

It’s going to be in English. There’s going to be a room in German, a room in Spanish, and a room in Italian. By the way, all the information for this event is on the website VoiceCon.Live.

In addition, we’ve got sessions on voice app marketing with a Voice Spark live team, we’ve got inclusive audio experiences with Dr. Patel.

We’ve got BOT Coin, the coin for the voice community with Roger Kibbe, Mikael Stanislowik, Dave Young, Brett Kinsella, and Pete Erickson. We’ve got Voice and the Media Entertainment industries with John Stein and Donald Buckley.

We’ve got Voice Worthy of User Trust…. with Oita Coleman, Janice Mendell, Valaria Barbera, and Michael Novak. We’ve got Future Proofing Sound and Voice Branding with Gina Isham, Ahmed Buzeed, Shamla Prayaga, Sama Ufred, and Ron Jaworski.

We’ve got the UX of Conversational Design with Yina Smith Dananhauer, and we’ve….. And then, to top it off, at 10 am we have the VoiceCon Live networking event again in the augmented reality space powered by Spatial Web and Audio Brain.

It is an action-packed morning, and it’s entirely free. Again, thanks to our generous sponsors and partners. So, I encourage you to join us when everything gets going at 8 am Pacific on Clubhouse.

Feel free to check out the website VoiceCon.Live for all the details and links to the different rooms and I will see you over there.

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