Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1281

Hey, Teri here with your flash briefing for Sunday. I hope you’re having a great Sunday. And on Sunday, we answer questions from the community. And this one is from Craig Ward on our Facebook community page.

If you want to join our community there, by the way, just go to VoiceinCanada.ca/Community. This is a really interesting question. He says, “I have a routine that every seven minutes for about three-quarters of an hour, it reminds me to check the barbecue.”

By the way, Craig, I love this idea for a routine. Fantastic. The problem though is that Alexa won’t recognize the word or the words Bar.. BQ, the way he has it set up or any other form of them.

Does anybody know the actual reason? And we had lots of conversations in the community about this, Ivan and Mark commented, as well as Wayne, and so many people, Patrick.

There was a lot of discussion about this. And the short answer is, there are some words that Alexa has trouble understanding for whatever reason.

There are some words that Alexa has trouble understanding for whatever reason

Creating a BBQ routine

And I think barbecue probably has something to do with the fact that maybe it’s interpreting as the word bar and then the letter B and Q, or is it the word cue spelled C-U-E.

And so, there’s a lot of permutations here, that could be happening when Alexa tries to interpret them. Now, somebody did give the suggestion of just changing it to the word grill, which I think is great.

Because if you can find another symbol word that means the same thing, then you’re going to…. you know, solve all these problems. But I can understand that if you want to call it barbecue, that’s what you do, then that’s the issue.

So, it kind of has a half answer here, if you will. I think changing the word to grill is the best option.

Or, when you’re setting up the routine, trying different ways of tricking Alexa to understand the word barbecue, whether it’s somebody suggested putting out the name Barbie, and then the word C-U-E-Q, or various other permutations of that.

So, I hope that’s helpful to you. I love… I love the idea for the routine, Craig. And I hope that’s helpful to other people as well. Happy grilling, happy barbecuing. Talk to you soon.

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