Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1371

Hello, hello. Teri here with your flash briefing for Saturday. And as we like to do on Saturdays, this is the day to have some fun with a command here and there for Alexa.

So here we go. We’ve got a couple of different things for you. It’s really all over the place, to be honest. But here we go. The first one I want to tell you.

And this is a little bit of a practical one. If you’re wondering what Alexa keeps track of, or how you can keep track of your data, you can simply ask, “Alexa, how do I manage my data?”

And she’ll give you some tips on doing that. The next one I want to tell you is kind of a fun one.

If you’re looking for a movie for your family to have some fun with. You can simply ask Alexa for a recommendation.

I think they’re fun commands or fun things that you can say

Command Alexa to Have Some Fun on Different Occasions

And you say, “Alexa, recommend a family movie.” I’ll finish off with one command or more that are more applicable to our friends in the United States that have their Thanksgiving weekend coming up.

But I think it’s a fun command that you can say. So here you go. Number one, you can say to Alexa, “Sing a Thanksgiving song”, and you might get a response.

It’s a little different than what you might expect. The last one I’ll say is you can ask Alexa, “What are you thankful for?” And she’s got a response for that as well.

Okay. So there you go. Hope you’re having a great weekend and we’ll talk to you again tomorrow. Take care

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3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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