Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1355

Hello, hello. Teri here. Hope you are doing well? So, do you ever have issues in your family keeping track of who’s supposed to be doing what chores and not sure if they’re getting them done?

I will neither confirm nor deny if that happens to my family. But here’s something that you could do, you can use Alexa to help you keep track of the chores.

And it’s all through a blueprint. So it’s essentially a skill that you create customized to your family. And then you can have that working for you.

The way you access this is you go into the Alexa app, you click on the “More” icon in the bottom right corner.

You then will see a “See More” line of text with a little down arrow. You click on that, and then you hit blueprints.

You can create many different types of blueprints

Chore Chart on Alexa Skill Blueprints

You can create many different types of blueprints, but here we can select Chore Chart.

And now, it’s great because Alexa essentially walks you through how to set up your own custom skill set up for the chore chart of your home, and also for the particular members of your household.

You can assign those. You can name the skill. And then you can edit it afterward with changing assignments, or adding more chores, and that sort of thing.

So give this a shot. See if that helps you out. I think it’s a great little feature that you can use and just might help my family as well.

Alright. Hope you are doing well and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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