Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1089

Hello, happy Thursday, Teri here and today I want to share a little tip with you about how you can change one or more of your Echo devices names.

Now, first of all, why would you want to do that? Well, if you want to be able to call your device or Drop in on a particular device, and you want it to have a name that is representative of the room that it is in, then you might want to consider this.

So for example, if you have a device in the kitchen, you might want to actually name the device kitchen, because then when you say drop in on kitchen, it’s going to drop in on that particular device, hope that makes sense.

you can be as creative as you want with that but practically, I find it useful to call the device whatever room it is located in.

Change the Device Name

Here’s how you do it, you basically go to your Alexa app, you click on the devices button along the bottom, then you select Echo and Alexa.

Then you select the particular device that you want to change and you select Edit name and then you simply change the name and you are good to go.

And then the next time you want to drop in on that device or play music on that device, you now use the name.

And of course you can be as creative as you want with that but practically, I find it useful to call the device whatever room it is located in.

And again so that when you’re dropping in on that room, it just makes sense.

So hope that’s helpful for you, hope you’re having a great day and remember we the voice take.

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3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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