Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #896

Hey there, Terry Fisher here with your flash briefing for today.

And today I have a question from an anonymous user actually, and this person was wondering, how to deal with the issue if Alexa is speaking too fast for him to understand what she is seeing.

So, it’s actually pretty simple solution for this problem, fortunately, and you just simply say this command, “Alexa speak slower,” and from that point on everything that Alexa says, we’ll be at a slower pace.

If you just don’t like the speed that Alexa speaks at, you can customize it to your liking

Change Alexa's Rate of Speech

Now, alternatively, if you find that Alexa speaks too slow for you, you can say the opposite, you can say, “Alexa, speak faster,” and then everything that she says will be done at a faster rate.

So this is really great if you just don’t like the speed that Alexa speaks at, you can customize it to your liking.

So there you go, I hope that answer is helpful to you, to the person that asked this and there you go.

Have a wonderful day and by the way, if you’re not part of our community, come join us at AlexainCanada.ca/Community.

That’ll take you to our Facebook group, where you can join in on the discussions and ask questions and just participate with the rest of Northern voice.

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend, talk to you tomorrow.

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3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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