Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1312

Hello, hello. Teri here with your flash briefing for Wednesday. And, today, I have a very special podcast coming out.

It is an all-Canadian episode, which is absolutely wonderful. And, it’s a really heartwarming story too.

It’s all about the program known as Connected Canadians, which really helps to teach and empower seniors when it comes to technology.

On the podcast today, I have two very special guests. Emily Jones Joanisse who is the Co-Founder and CEO of Connected Canadians, and Tas Damen, who is the Co-Founder and CIO of Connected Canadians.

And they come on and they talk specifically about a program that they have been working on in partnership with Amazon Canada, which has allowed seniors to have access to Echo Show devices.

It’s all about the program known as Connected Canadians

And through Connected Canadians, these seniors get trained about how to use them, and how these devices can help with their lives.

So, it is absolutely wonderful, the work that these two women are doing, and I was only too delighted to be able to highlight their stories.

So, I encourage you to tune into the podcast. You can access it at VoiceinCanada.ca and just look under the podcast tab.

Or alternatively, just search for Voice in Canada podcast in your favorite podcast player, and you will find it right there.

So, have a listen and I think that you’re in for a real treat. As I said, this is an all-Canadian story and I absolutely love it.

So, enjoy and I’ll talk to you soon.

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