Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1333

Hey, Teri here. Happy Wednesday. It is podcast day on The Voice in Canada podcast. And that’s what I want to tell you about today on the flash briefing.

Today on the Voice in Canada Podcast, we have a recording of the Voicefluencer Show in which I interviewed Celene Osiecka.

She is the Senior Director for conversation design at [24]7. And Celine was one of the voicefluencers on the recent episode of The Voice Den.

And by the way, our next episode of The Voice Den is actually next week. So you can check that out at TheVoiceDen.com.

A little bit about Celene, as I mentioned, she has been a conversation designer for many years.

She’s designed conversations for chatbots using AI, natural language, and machine learning for the last 16 years.

So when it comes to designing these experiences that we’re having with Alexa, every time we say something, she is an expert in that.

So I encourage you to check this one out. I think if you’re at all interested in the design aspect and how you create a good interaction with a voice device like Alexa, then I think you’ll get a lot of value out of this.

She has been a conversation designer for many years

Celene Osiecka of [24]7 on the Voice in Canada Podcast

So you just go to VoiceinCanada.ca and you can click on the podcast or just search for the Voice in Canada Podcast on your favorite player, and you’ll enjoy that one I’m sure.

It’s with Celene Osiecka. And just before I sign off, I do want to give you another quick reminder about The Voice Den which is happening next week.

That will be October 19. It’s a special Project Voice X preview edition. There’s a major conference happening, Project Voice X a couple of weeks later.

Or actually one week after The Voice Den. And, we are featuring people on The Voice Den next week who are going to be part of Project Voice X including Jeff Blankenburg from Amazon, Esteban Gorupicz from Atexto, Bradley Metrock from Score Publishing, and the producer of Project Voice X.

Scott Sandland from Cyrano.ai and John Stein from the Open Voice Network.

And again, thanks to our sponsors, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant for bringing this to you.

It’s entirely free and you just go to TheVoiceDen.com for your free seat. Alright. Will see you then. Take care

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