Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #554

Hey there. I hope you’re having a great start to your week. It’s Teri here, and I’ve got some interesting news that came out of a study about Canadians and healthcare, and voice technology.

And, there was a study done recently by the Canadian Medical Association, and it shows, interestingly, I happen to be very interested in this because I am a physician, is that people, Canadians, are now starting to embrace the idea of having their healthcare delivered by a voice technology smart speaker such as Amazon Alexa, Siri, or otherwise.

In fact, the study shows that now 46% of Canadians support the idea of going digital, and they’re willing to entrust their personal information to devices like Alexa.

46% of Canadians support the idea of going digital.

Canadians are Embracing Virtual Health Care through Alexa

I find that number very interesting, because there’s always the conversation about what about privacy. And, in some ways it’s similar to banking.

Right? I mean, when we bank online or bank using voice technology, there is that similar element of having protected private information.

So, I’m very curious about your feeling on this. Would you be willing to get some of your medical care through Amazon Alexa?

Hit me up on Twitter @DrTeriFisher, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on that. Looking forward to hearing from you. Take care.

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