Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #550

So if you like your smart light bulbs as much as I do, you probably will not be surprised to hear this latest research and the results of this.

There was a study published by ON World that looked at the number of smart light bulbs that are shipping, and how this is going to change in the future.

This is becoming a huge industry in of itself. In 2018, in Canada and US combined, sales totaled $254 million.

It is projected that by 2024 the smart light bulb industry in Canada and US will reach $1.5 billion. And, of course, guess who is the biggest seller of the smart light bulbs.

That is Amazon. And, what’s interesting, is that, 77% of consumers purchase their first small light bulb within the past year.

Guess who is the biggest seller of the smart light bulbs.

Canada to Install 12x More Smart Lightbulbs

And I’m really curious actually, because I know what happened with me, the moment I got my Alexa devices, I wanted to create some more functionality in my home.

And the first thing that I did, was I got some smart light bulbs, and I’m curious to know if you had the same experience as well.

So, please let me know if that’s the case, hit me up on Twitter @DrTeriFisher, and just let me know if smart light bulbs were the next purchase that you made after you got your Alexa device.

And also perhaps, you can share with us or with me how many light bulbs you have. Look forward to your answers. Talk to you later.

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