Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1448

Well, hello there. Good Saturday. Hope you’re doing well. February is a very important month. It is Black History Month.

And I wanted to take this opportunity to acknowledge that. Typically on Saturdays, we talk about some commands that you can say to Alexa.

And today, I just want to share a couple of things that you can say to honor Black History Month.

The first one is, of course, you can simply ask Alexa, “What is Black History Month?”

And she will give you a little bit of the history behind that. Which is great.

Some of which are some wonderful black women that I learned about when I asked Alexa that question

Black History Month 2022

The other thing that you can do is you can say, “Alexa, who inspires you?” And she’s got a number of people that inspire her.

Some of these are some wonderful black women that I learned about when I asked Alexa that question. So, there you go. Celebrating Black History Month.

A couple of things; “Alexa, who inspires you?” and of course asking the question, “What is Black History Month?” to learn a little bit about the history there.

Hope you have a wonderful Saturday and talk to you again tomorrow.

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