Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #105

Good morning or Good afternoon or Good evening. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.

I realized that I have gotten away from doing some of the basic tips and tricks.

So I wanted to take this flash briefing to tell you a little bit of the most basic Alexa commands that some of them you probably are aware of, but you may not be aware of all of them.

And particularly if you are new to the whole Alexa ecosystem. These will be useful to you.

I will try to do these a little bit more often. And in that way continued to help you to explore other commands that Alexa can understand.

But today I’m going to go through the most basic of commands that you can get Alexa to understand and we’ll start off with, and all these obviously you say the word, the wake word, whatever your wake word is, Alexa.

I’m just going to say Alexa here so that we don’t keep triggering all of our devices.

But the first thing you can do is you can actually say “Alexa help” and she will give you some information about other things that you can do.

I’m going to go through the most basic of commands.

Basic Commands

You can say “Alexa mute or unmute” if you want her to stop listening or start listening again regardless of what she is doing, she can say Alexa or you can say “Alexa stopped” and that’s built into all of the skills.

So no matter what skill you are listening to or using, you can always say stop. You can set the volume.

So you can say “Alexa set volume to” and you can choose a number between 1 and 10 and in fact one of the listeners advise me that you can actually say “Alexa set volume to 11”.

I haven’t tried that myself, but that’s interesting of to try that when I stopped recording this.

You can say “Alexa louder or softer” “Alexa, turn up or turn down the volume”.

You can say “Alexa enable a skill” or “Alexa disable a skill” and another way to get the skill to start working is to say, “Alexa, open the skill”.

So there’s a whole bunch of things for you to try and hopefully there’s some there that are new for you.

I will continue to do this type of flash briefing as well, so we can learn hundreds and hundreds of Alexa commands.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Other Useful Resources

Listen on your Echo Device! Easy as 1-2-3!

Voice in Canada Skill Logo1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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