Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1301

Hello there. Happy Saturday. It’s Teri here. And, let’s get right to it. Some fun things that you can say to Alexa this weekend. Alright. I’ve got a couple of various different topics.

The first one is with regards to poems. We know that Alexa can recite poems for us. But did you know that you can specifically ask for a bad poem? Yes, you can ask for a bad poem.

And, she’s got a number of bad poems in a repertoire. So just literally ask, “Alexa, give me a bad poem” and she will do just that. Alright. Here’s another one that’s fun.

Here is something that can actually be a little bit useful. And that is, having Alexa act as a die for you as in rolling the dice.

Some fun things that you can say to Alexa this weekend

Bad Poems From Alexa to Have Fun With This Weekend

And so you can simply say that “Alexa, roll the dice”, and she will give you a number from one to six as a normal set of dice each has six sides.

Now, if you have one of those sets of dice that has multiple faces greater than six, like a 10 sided die or a 20 sided die, you can also say that.

You can say, “Alexa, roll a 10 sided die or Alexa roll a 57 sided die” Anything that you want, and she will come back with a random number from that die.

So, there you go. A little bit of a practical one. And, if you get bored of playing your game, just ask Alexa for a bad poem and she will keep you entertained.

Have a wonderful Saturday. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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