Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1139

Hey, hey Teri here with your flash briefing for Friday and today I want to go into a little bit about the different ways that you could potentially set up your Echo devices to create a little bit more advanced audio systems beyond just a single Echo device.

And I think there are three main ways that you can do this, you can have multi room music, a stereo pair speaker set of Echo devices, or a complete home theater system using your Echo devices.

So let me explain a little bit about each one, so that you have a better understanding and then if you want to go ahead and set one of these up, then you have a better sense of what’s involved.

So multi room music, this allows you to play your music in multiple rooms, across multiple Echo devices.

So you can have the devices in different rooms, and they can be added to multiple groups and this can include speaker sets and home theater systems, which we’ll get to in just a moment and you can also control your audio settings on each device if you want.

So think of it as a way of creating a system where you can play your music in multiple rooms at the same time, make sense, that’s what it’s called multi room music.

you can have multi room music, a stereo pair speaker set of Echo devices, or a complete home theater system using your Echo devices.

Audio Systems for Echo Devices.mp3

The next system, if you will, is a speaker set or a stereo pair and this is where you can actually pair two compatible Echo devices for left and right sound during music playback.

You can then have the option of adding an Echo sub for deeper bass but these devices have to be in the same room and the audio settings like volume are shared by all the devices in that set, unlike with the multi room music where you can choose the volume for example of each one of those devices, okay?

And the last one is a home theater system and this is where you can pair one or two Echo devices with a Fire TV for your home theater and that can include an Echo sub as well.

It supports some of the more advanced audio features like Dolby Atmos, but when it comes to choosing volume, and other settings, those are shared by all of the devices in the system.

Your Fire TV remote can control the home theater volume, but not the TV volume by default, just so you know that but that is adjustable in the Fire TV settings, so devices in a home theater group need to be in the same room and that’s a little bit about it.

So I hope that gives you an idea of what you can do and some of the options with your Echo devices, there are a lot of options here and I’m sure you can find something that works for your setup.

Have a wonderful day, if it’s a holiday for you then have a great day off and I will talk to you again tomorrow.

Take care.

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