Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1287

Hey, hey. Teri here with your flash briefing for Saturday. Hope you are doing well. Hope you’re off to a great start to your weekend. As you know, on Saturdays we’d like to cover commands that you can say to Alexa.

Sometimes they’re purely for entertainment purposes, and sometimes they have a little more utility. But here’s one that I just want to let you know, because I think it’s a fun one.

Not sure if I really want anybody to do this to me, but you can ask Alexa for ideas for pranks. And, if you’re a prankster, you may be interested to check this one out.

You can ask Alexa for ideas for pranks

Give Me a Prank

And it’s pretty simple. You just simply say, “Alexa, give me a prank”, and she will. And here’s the thing. She’s got a ton of ideas.

So if you ask her this multiple times, you’re gonna get a lot of ideas for pranks. So, just promise you’re not gonna play any on me. Alright.

Have a wonderful Saturday. I will be back again tomorrow with a question from the community. Alright. Take care. Talk to you soon.

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