Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #613

So here is a very interesting initiative that Amazon has started. They are looking at creating a consortium of types where they would allow users to access multiple voice assistants on a single device.

To give you an example of some of the companies that have agreed to this initiative. Well, of course, Amazon for Alexa, Microsoft for Cortana, and there are a bunch of other ones as well.

And the idea behind this is that they want to make the devices compatible with multiple voice assistants, so that a person is not necessarily limited to one voice assistant.

They may find that one voice system is better for certain functions, and another one is better for others. And Amazon has actually taken the initiative to do so.

They may find that one voice system is better for certain functions.

Amazon Voice Interoperability Initiative

What’s interesting is that the companies that are not part of this voice interoperability initiative are Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and Samsung Bixby.

The other big, big ones. Why that is, we’re not sure, but I think it’ll be very interesting to see how this develops over time.

For now, I think it’s a great idea. It shows that Amazon is very forward thinking and they recognize that they’re not the only voice assistant.

And, well, time will tell how this plays out. Very interesting news development.

So, if you have multiple voices assistants, you may be able to use multiple voice assistants on a single device in the future.

Alright. Take care. Talk to you later.

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