Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #74

So here’s a really interesting story that I came across. This is not a story that has been confirmed, but there are reports coming out that Amazon is working on a robot for the home and the code name for this project is the Vesta robot.

Vesta, if you cannot, you can search it if you’d like to find out more information about it.

But essentially the reports are stating that Amazon is creating this robot to be a home assistant and in the past, whenever companies have tried to create a robot, they generally have not done very well with the events of the technology and the advances of artificial intelligence and things like Alexa, this could now be a real possibility.

So the reports state that later on this year, the testing of these robots is going to begin with launch of these robots as early as next year.

Amazon is working on a robot for the home.

Amazon Vesta Robot

Now, of course, the question always becomes, is this going to launch in Canada at the same time, your guess is as good as mine with the history of Amazon.

I don’t know you wonder if it’s going to launch in the States first, but could you just imagine if you actually had a robot that have Alexa built in.

And now instead of just talking to a fixed device like your Amazon Echo, you now have a robot that you can give commands and talk to and say things like, “Alexa, come over here”, or “Alexa, you know, bring me something” or who knows, maybe there’s a vacuum component to this.

“Alexa, could you vacuum this room?” “Alexa, could you go and close the window?” Who knows what kind of possibilities this is going to bring?

But I thought this is a pretty cool story and some pretty exciting stuff.

So if you want to look it up just search Amazon Vesta robot and have a look you’ll see.

Who knows where we going to be next year. What we’ll be talking about.

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