Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #73

Hey there. So this is some really cool news and it’s about time as Canadians got some good news because it always seems like our friends in the States are getting features before us and having cheaper rates on various products and services.

Well, Canadians here’s something for you to take advantage of. As you may know, there is an option called the Prime membership through Amazon where you get access to very quick shipping, same day or two day shipping access to the Prime music, Prime video and so on.

And this is actually great to use with Alexa because if you have prime music you can stream music through Alexa very simply.

Now the cost for this in Canada is currently $79 per year in the States it’s actually $99 US per year and here’s the real kicker is that Amazon just announced that they are increasing the price in the United States from $99 to $119 per year.

Amazon Prime Cost

So I know what you’re asking, what is the price in Canada going to be and here is the best part. They are not increasing the price in Canada, at least as of right now.

They said there are no plans to increase the price. So, the Canadians are still priced at $79 a year for Amazon prime, which in my opinion is a great deal.

I personally am a prime member. Again, because you get quicker shipping with Amazon and you get access to Amazon audio, Amazon music and Amazon video and as well you get some free storage for your photos.

So it’s a really good deal. If you want to take advantage of this, you can go to AlexainCanada.ca/Prime and you can actually get a free trial for a month.

If you’re in Quebec, you actually get free 13 months. You get like over a year. Anyway, good news for Canadians for change. Check it out AlexainCanada.ca/Prime.

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