Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #753

Hey there, Dr. Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for Thursday.

And this one is an interesting piece of news because if you have ever watched my TEDx talk where I was talking about voice technology in healthcare.

One of the scenarios that I painted in that was in the future being able to order medications and having them delivered to your home and then not having to go see the doctor. Well guess what Amazon has just done.

They have just filed the papers just in January of this year, the applications for the trademark name, Amazon Pharmacy.

And get this, this is not only in the United States, they are filing for this trademark in Canada and the UK and Australia as well.

As you may know, Amazon purchased a company called PillPack, which is a drug distribution company.

They are filing for this trademark in Canada and the UK and Australia as well.

Amazon Pharmacy Files for Trademark in Canada

And what’s really interesting is you have to wonder if Amazon is setting up so that if you need medication, if you’ve got a health concern in the very near future, you’re going to be able to talk to Alexa and Alexa is going to be able to have a conversation with you and Alexa is going to be able to take care of your medications if you give Alexa permission.

Now when this is going to happen, who knows? But the fact that Amazon is setting up to essentially be a pharmaceutical distributor in Canada, at least filing the early papers, I think this is absolutely fascinating.

If you want to hear more about this, I encourage you to check out my TEDx talk.

You can go to the TEDx site and just search for my name Teri Fisher and you’ll see it there.

Really, really interesting and we’ll see what comes next from Amazon. Hope you’re having a wonderful day.

Again, I’ve got a contest going on right now for my personal brand logo for Dr. Teri Fisher.

If you want to check that out, you go to AlexainCanada.ca/LogoContest.

Have a wonderful day, talk to you tomorrow.

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