Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #231

Happy Sunday! As you know, on Sundays I like to answer some of the questions that are being raised through social media and in particular on the Facebook Alexa in Canada group, and again if you want to join our group, by all means just go over to AlexaInCanada.ca/community. Now, last week I talked a little bit about the launch of Amazon Music Unlimited, but there’s still a lot of discussion going on in our community page because people are not sure what the email means that was sent to people that have echo devices about automatically enrolling us in the music unlimited program and if we’re going to get charged after that.

So I just wanted to clarify that today and I want to give a shout out to all the people that have been commenting on this particular topic in the Facebook community page – we’ve got Kate and we’ve got Pete Kelley, we’ve got Glenn Webster, Gordon Dick, and Eleanor Goldman – and in particular, because she did a really good job of clarifying things and what she wrote is exactly correct. So she quoted the email that Amazon has sent to the people that have echo devices and I’m going to read the quote because this is exactly what Amazon is doing with the music unlimited and it says, “Thanks for listening to music on your Amazon Echo device. For 14 days you can listen to millions of songs with Amazon music unlimited absolutely free. Try it out with no strings attached. You won’t be charged and your access will automatically end after 14 days”. So that’s a really important point. You are not going to automatically be charged for the music unlimited after this free trial. It really is no strings attached the way they phrase it: you get it for 14 days, they stop it after 14 days, you’re done.

For 14 days you can listen to millions of songs with Amazon music unlimited absolutely free. Try it out with no strings attached. You won’t be charged and your access will automatically end after 14 days.

Amazon Music Unlimited Free Trial

Now you have the option of adding an extra 90 day free trial which will start after the 14 day access expires. And you can do that by voice, of course, and you just simply say, Alexa, I want Amazon music. After the 90 day trial that you choose to enable, then you will get charged or of course you can cancel at anytime. So I hope that helps to clarify what’s going on with the music unlimited. If you’re interested in getting some more of the pricing about it, go to the website, VoiceInCanada.ca and look back about a week in terms of the database of flash briefings that are there and you’ll see my initial one from last Sunday. I go through all the pricing of music unlimited. So I hope that helps. Again, shout out to everybody that helped with the discussion and clarified that on the Facebook group. All right, enjoy the rest of your weekend and talk to you tomorrow.

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