Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #939

Hey there, Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for Monday.

Today I want to talk about a new music option that Amazon has just made available here in Canada.

Now the music options I have to admit they are a little bit confusing, I think because there’s Amazon Music.

There is Amazon Music Unlimited, which is a paid service on top of your music if you have music.

If you are a Prime subscriber, you get music, but you do have to pay for the music unlimited.

But here’s the new thing, so beyond that, there is now something known as Amazon Music HD, so high definition music, better quality music.

And those of you that want the stats, basically, what it means is if you subscribe to Amazon Music HD, you get 16-bit 44.1-kilohertz music which is basically a CD-quality sound stream to your device.

So it’s about big leap up in terms of the quality.

They also have about a million songs that are considered ultra-high definition

Amazon Music HD available in Canada

They also have about a million songs that are considered ultra-high definition, which is better than CD quality.

Again, if you’re interested in the stats, it’s 24 bit sound with 192 kilohertz, so this jumps up.

Now they are offering a 90-day free trial if you’re interested in the best quality sound that you can get after the 90-day free trial, the price is either $14.99 per month if you are not a Prime subscriber or it is $12.99 per month if you are a Prime member.

Just so you know there is also a family plan available and that is $19.99 per month.

So those are the options for you, if you truly want the highest quality sound to listen on your devices, then this is what is available to you now.

The link to have a look at it if you’d like to check out that free trial is AlexainCanada.ca/MusicHD that is my affiliate link and if you use it, then I appreciate that very much.

You can try it out for 90 days for free, so if you do try it out, let me know how you like it.

Let me know if you notice a big difference in the audio quality and have fun with it, alright?

Have a great day, we’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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