Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #56

Hey there. So for this Sunday morning, I want to tell you about an App that you can use on your iOS or android phone that directly incorporates Alexa.

And this is the Amazon prime music App and it’s just recently been released in Canada, in particularly the feature has been released that Alexa is now available on this App and you can actually talk to the App to listen to your music.

So the way that works is like this, first of all, you need to download the Amazon Music App and again, you can get the iOS version or the android version through the appropriate channels as you would normally would download any other App.

And then once you’ve done that, and as long as you’re an Amazon prime music subscriber, that’s the key.

You do have to be a prime member, now, if you are a prime member, then great.

You can get the iOS version or the android version through the appropriate channels

Amazon Music App

If you’re not, you can always get a free trial and you can actually check that out @AlexainCanada.ca/Prime.

But anyway, once you’ve done that then you can actually talk to the App.

You’ll see that there is now a little blue circle, the icon for Alexa and you just simply tap on that and it will show you a message on the phone that Alexa is now listening to you.

And you can give Alexa all kinds of commands through this App. So you can say for example, “Alexa play God’s plan by Drake” “Alexa play Ed Sheeran”, “Alexa play the Cota album by led Zeppelin”.

So you can play a specific song, an artist’s, album name. You can specify an era such as play eighties rock music, genre like country music as particular mood play, relaxing music.

You could play a song in order of chronology. So play the latest song by a particular artist or by popularity such as Alexa play the most popular songs by a particular artist.

So this is pretty cool. It just adds another layer of Alexa and voice control to Apps that are designed by Amazon and give it a shot.

I think you’ll enjoy it. And again, if you want to get a free trial for prime music, just go to AlexainCanada.ca/Prime.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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