Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #92

So this is really interesting. Amazon apparently is now in the process of developing a health and wellness team, specifically for Alexa.

So this was identified in some documents that were uncovered by CNBC.

And I find this absolutely fascinating, as you know, I’m a physician and so I’m very interested in what Alexa can do in the healthcare fields and these documents state that Amazon is looking at specifically creating some skills for Alexa that help with managing diabetes.

Help with managing the aging population and help with managing mothers and new infants. So this is fascinating.

Who knows what this is going to look like. All that we do know is that the healthcare industry is a multi trillion dollar business.

So this is huge. And so apparently Amazon wants a piece of it. I think it’s fantastic.

Amazon is looking at specifically creating some skills for Alexa that help with managing diabetes.

Amazon Health and Wellness Team

As you may know, I have written an article on my blog about the possibilities of using Alexa for healthcare applications.

If you’re interested, you can see that one at AlexainCanada.ca/Healthcare. So the future for healthcare and Alexa is going to be incredible.

I’m sure something to note is that these documents that CNBC uncovered do come out of the states where Amazon obviously is based.

So it’d be interesting to see how this impacts things in Canada. One of the issues is privacy of course in states and Canada, and there are different regulations, but regardless, this is fascinating to me and I think we’re in for some pretty remarkable technology that’s going to be developed by Amazon.

So again, if you’re interested in that article, AlexainCanada.ca/Healthcare and check it out and keep your ears open because there’s going to be a lot coming in the next year or two years and so on for health care.

And if you’re interested in attending a conference about healthcare and voice first technology, Checkout VOHsummit.com. I am privileged to be one of the speakers there and I’m looking so forward to it this summer.

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