Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1394

Hey, hey. Hope you’re doing well. Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for Monday.

Today, I want to tell you about a new service that has just recently been launched in Canada, and it’s called Amazon Counter. So what is this?

It’s the opportunity for us to have packages delivered to specific businesses that may be in our vicinity, whether we are at home, whether we are on a commute, whether we are at our place of work.

Essentially, it gives you the option to have your packages sent to these businesses where you can pick them up in a secure way.

The really nice thing about this is that it helps these businesses (These local businesses) to bring more traffic into their facilities as well.

What you do to enable this is you choose your delivery location as one of these counter locations

Amazon Counter Launches in Canada

Now, of course, whether you’re ordering through your Echo devices or whether you’re ordering through your voice, what you do to enable Amazon Counter is you choose your delivery location as one of these counter locations, and you can search by postal code, essentially.

So there you go. I think it’s pretty cool. Now, before I sign off today, I also want to remind you that coming up this week on Wednesday at five o’clock Pacific is session number 20 of The Voice Den.

We have an incredible lineup of speakers. I’ll be telling you a little bit more about them tomorrow.

It’s free thanks to the sponsorship of Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. I encourage you to check it out.

Go to TheVoiceDen.com for your free seat, and I will see you there on Wednesday at 5 pm Pacific. Take care

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