Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1299

Hey. Teri here. Hope you are doing well. Happy Thursday. I want to tell you about something that is happening next week.

And this is the first Canadian edition of the Amazon Career Day. So if you are looking for a job with Amazon, perhaps with even the Alexa team to work on all the different Echo devices, or Alexa yourself, you may be interested in this.

This is taking place on September 15. There are going to be 2,000 recruiters offering 30,000 one-on-one coaching sessions globally.

There’s going to be over 1,800 corporate and technology roles available in Canada

Amazon Career Day 2021 in Canada

And there’s going to be over 1,800 corporate and technology roles available in Canada. And what’s interesting is they found that, in a survey, 35% of Canadian job seekers are reconsidering their career path now after COVID-19.

So, bottom line, if you are interested in exploring these opportunities with Amazon and possibly with the Echo or Alexa team, just go to AmazonCareerDay.com, and that will give you all the information that you need.

Again, that’s AmazonCareerDay.com. And good luck. Alright. Talk to you tomorrow.

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