Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #661
Hey there, hope you’re doing well. If you have a Yamaha stereo receiver or some other Yamaha audio equipment, you will be interested to know that certain Yamaha products now can be controlled through Alexa.
There is a firmware that was just updated, just as of the last month or two, and it brings Alexa voice control to more than 15 of the MusicCast enabled products.
Basically, if you are eligible for this upgrade for the particular Yamaha product that you have, then once you go into your MusicCast app, you will be notified to update the firmware through the app, and then you’ll have access to it.
So that’s great. It’s another option for people with the Yamaha audio hardware.
It brings Alexa voice control to more than 15 of the MusicCast enabled products.
Now, along those lines, I also do want to give a shout out to somebody, Paula, who left a review for this flash briefing on the Amazon skill store.
And of course, thank you very much, Paula. I really, really appreciate this.
Paula gives it five stars and she writes, “Alexa’s great skills.” And the review says, “Hi Teri. I’ve had Alexa for a couple of years, and love the fact that we can listen to SiriusXM through Alexa, and now Spotify has joined with Alexa. So very cool indeed. Thank you for keeping us up to date on Alexa, and all it’s great skills. Really love your show. Paula.”
Well, thanks so much, Paula. I’m so pleased to hear those kind words.
It really means a lot, and what can I say, now as you said, I do try to keep you updated, whether it’s through MusicCast, whether you’re listening to SiriusXM, whether you listen to Spotify, a lot of great, great features are coming to Alexa.
So, please stay tuned for more news. And, if you would like to leave a review, you simply go to VoiceinCanada.ca, you see a bright red button there, and I do love to give shout outs for this, because it’s the least I can do to thank you for taking some time and effort to leave those reviews.
Thanks very much. I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.
Other Useful Resources
- Complete List of Alexa Commands
- Alexa-Enabled and Controlled Devices in Canada
- Teri Fisher on Twitter
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- Alexa in Canada Community Group on Facebook
- Please leave a review on the Skills Store!
- Shopping on Amazon.ca
- Create a Flash Briefing Tutorial – Free Tutorial to Create your own Flash Briefing
- Flash Briefing Formula – Your Complete Premium Step-By-Step Course to Launch a Successful Flash Briefing that Gets Found and Grows Your Brand
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