Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #653

Hey there. Hope you are having a great day. Hopefully you’ve recovered from all your Cyber Monday shopping. I think I have. Today I want to give a huge shout out to Sylvain.. B.. is the last initial.

And, so then he sent me a feature, and I was not aware of this. And, so I wanted to bring this to all of your attention, because I think it’s very cool.

I’m just gonna read you the email that I got. It’s fantastic. Sylvain writes, “Hi Teri. I recently found out that we can now add several items at a time to shopping lists or whatever the list is.”

For instance, we can say, “Alexa, add apples, eggs, bread, and spring water to my shopping list. And the result will be a list with those four items individually listed.

In the past when we had done that, Alexa would record it as one long giant word.

Amazon Alexa List Improvements

Springwater, bread, eggs, and apples, because, in the past when we had done that, Alexa would record it as one long giant word that says, “Water, bread, eggs, apples.”

So, this is obviously a fantastic improvement. It’s great. It’s a little more functional when it comes to keeping track of lists.

And, I encourage you to check that out. And if you discover any cool features like that, please share them with me so I can share them out to the rest of AIC Nation, because you guys are what I’m here for.

So Sylvain, thanks so much for that information. That’s great. And, I’ll be sure to use that one. Take care, have a great day. Talk to you tomorrow.

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